Are These 4 Electronic Lockdown Trends Here To Stay?
The global lockdowns brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic has led to many people having to change the way they live. What might previously have been an entirely normal way of doing something has likely not been possible for a few months now. This has led to many changes in the way people have been living, especially as it relates to electronic devices culminating in some specific trends becoming clearly visible.
People have been increasingly reliant on their electronic devices and are now interacting with them in ways that might be new to them. However, as these electronic trends have been established during quarantine and lockdowns, users are likely now more comfortable with concepts they could have previously been apprehensive of. This means that the increased familiarity will lead to the trends becoming the new normal as it relates to electronic devices.
With this in mind, here are 4 electronic lockdown trends that are set to become a part of the new normal for a long time to come.
Online Shopping
Seeing as most people have been trying to minimize their overall exposure to the outside world, online shopping has seen a sharp rise that is unlikely to drop back down once everything subsides and brick-and-mortar retailers are fully open and operational. From groceries and household goods to medicine, clothing and electrical devices, online purchases have been the way that businesses and customers continue to interact with one another. This is especially apparent as it relates to products and goods that people still prefer to purchase in person, such as fresh food or medicine, but due to global situations, these users have been forced to become online shoppers.
With many physical, brick and mortar stores only just being able to open their doors after months of being closed, the eCommerce order volume has increased by 50% when compared to 2019. As companies and customers alike become more comfortable with the concept of online shopping for everything, it is more than likely that this becomes something that is now offered as a standard, as opposed to just a one-time thing in reaction to the lockdown.
Live Streaming
With many forms of physical or outdoor entertainment such as live music, cinemas, bars and theatres being closed or canceled, the live-streaming sector has since had a very quick growth. Offering an alternative form of entertainment that can be enjoyed from the comfort of your own home, live streaming grew a full 45 percent between March and April; while year on year, the industry is up by 99 percent. These incredibly sharp gains, especially through March and April can be definitively related to the lockdowns.
Going in parallel to increased internet usage, live streaming has taken on many different forms of entertainment. From more traditional gaming streams to plays being performed on Zoom to Twitch concerts, the platform is moving from a fringe player to having a mainstream audience where more people are now watching live-streamed programming than ever before. Even as more traditional forms of entertainment begin to come back, it is apparent that live streaming services have managed to carve out a pretty significant niche for themselves.
Smart Home Devices
As the data shows, the coronavirus outbreak has meant more consumers have been turning to their smart speakers for news, information, music and entertainment, something that will definitely continue even with lockdowns slowly relenting. Since the outbreak, 36% of Americans say they’ve increased their consumption of music and entertainment through wireless smart speakers, such as the Stage from Cleer Audio.
When it comes to the wireless smart speakers, the Stage, with its dual, 48mm drivers, passive radiators and distortion-free sound, is one of the main reasons for this emerging trend. With the ability to take calls, communicate clearly as well as make the most of voice recognition capabilities and the always-on Alexa Voice Service. While the emergence of smart speakers and other home devices was likely to happen anyway, the lockdown has accelerated this approach as more and more people are now becoming more familiar using and interacting with models like the Cleer Audio Stage.
Wearable Devices
With more and more people looking to ensure they stay active during the lockdown period, the use of devices such as smart watches and fit bits has seen an increased use whereby 13% of quarantined smart watch owners claim they’re now spending more time on their smartwatches since the COVID-19 outbreak.
As more traditional forms of exercise methods such as gyms have been forced to close, wearable devices have allowed people to monitor their health carefully and continue to stay active without breaking lockdown rules and regulations. When these places do begin to reopen to the public, it is likely that these wearable devices will continue to see increased usage as people will be more inclined to focus on their health above all other things.
Final Thoughts
Whether it’s utilizing a wearable device more frequently or finding the best wireless smart speakers available, many of the trends established during lockdown are here to stay. While many businesses and products have been adversely affected by the virus, electronic devices and online platforms have seen staggering increases in both awareness and engagement. Now that more people, especially those who may have been wary of online shopping or using smart speakers, have been forced into doing so, these electronic trends are likely to become a constant way of life as opposed to just a passing fad.